Nearly 60% of undergraduate women experience harassment while enrolled in college.
Nearly 68% of Black women in a low-income Dallas sample had been sexually assaulted. Low-income is an intersecting indicator for risk of sexual assault.
Source | Temple, J. R., Weston, R., Rodriguez, B. F., & Marshall, L. L. (2007). Differing effects of partner and nonpartner sexual assault on women’s mental health. Violence Against Women, 13, 285-297. doi:10.1177/1077801206297437
Nearly 80% of rape survivors did not receive medical attention following the incident, including necessary first respondent attention, according to a national sample of US adult women.
Source | Zinzow HM1, Resnick HS, Barr SC, Danielson CK, Kilpatrick DG. Receipt of post-rape medical care in a national sample of female victims. Am J Prev Med. 2012 Aug;43(2):183-7. doi: 10.1016/j.amepre.2012.02.025.
Nearly 86% of rapes of American Indian and Alaska Native women are perpetrated by non-Native men.
Of Asian Pacific Islander women, 23% experienced some form of sexual violence, 10% experienced rape, and 21% had non-contact nonconsenusal sexual experiences during their lifetime.
One in four survivors of sexual assault under the age of twelve is a boy.
One third of youth in residential treatment centers previously experienced some form of sexual abuse prior to placement
Source | Baker, A. J. L., Curtis, P. A., Papa-Lentini, C. (2006). Sexual abuse histories of youth in child welfare residential treatment centers: Analysis of the Odyssey project population. Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, 15, 29-49.
Only 1 in 3 Service members report their experience of sexual assault to a Department of Defense authority.
Over 17% of transgender veterans experienced MSA (military sexual assault). Specifically, the rates are over 15% and 30% for transgender women and transgender men, respectively.
Source | Journal of Traumatic Stress, 03/2018, Volume 31, Issue 2, pp. 181–190
Over 47% of those who experienced rape had a perpetrator who was a current or former intimate partner.
Police officers commit sexual assault at a significantly higher rate than the general population.
Sexual assault and rape reporting dropped by 25% in Los Angeles after federal policies surrounding deportation intensified.